Client Case Study: Abby First
Abby First is a great example of what it’s like to grow a business while juggling motherhood to a 2 and 5 year-old kid, mental health of dealing with postpartum depression, and narrowing down a niche while being multi-passionate.
🎙[ Featured ] Podcast & Amplify: Why Empathy Should Be Your Top Sales Strategy
Everything changed for me and my business when I stopped looking for the “secret” to sales and embraced what I’ve known all along — that genuine care and connection is the key to selling in a way that’s effective and feels good.
Tips For Hiring a Virtual Assistant (From a Business Coach + a VA Mentor)
You know what they say: Team work makes the dream work.
What makes the biggest difference from starting as a one-woman solopreneur to growing into a fully supported CEO is hiring team members: one right-fit person at a time.
[ Featured ] Money + Purpose | IG Live with Jen Ward
I joined Jen Ward of Assigned Financial Solutions (Virtual CFO + Bookkeeper) to chat about how money can fund your version of business success, even if you're not initially motivated by it.
In this conversation, we chat about:
Behind The Scenes of Our Website Refresh
Cue the confetti: OUR WEBSITE GOT A MAKEOVER! 🎉
A huge thank you to RuthAnn Rafiq and her team at R Artspace for partnering with me in this web site refresh.
It was a project that was long over–do. But with the blend of her ready-to-go templates and web site refresh service that provided customizable support – the process was smooth and seamless, and I’d love to take you behind-the-scenes of what it was like to update our website for 2023.
My 3 Biggest Business Lessons of 2022
2022 marks the end of year 3 as a business mentor (and year 5 as a coach overall). Here are the top 3 business lessons that have made the biggest difference in how I show up for quick wins and long-term results.
Sales Calls Are Worth Your Time
The day I learned how to host an empowering sales conversation was the day I felt like my business would be taken care of. Now I know there’s a growing philosophy in the online business space that tells you to ditch sales calls because they are a “waste of time.”
Why My Clients Get the Best Results Through 1:1 Coaching
Since launching my coaching business in 2016, I’ve experimented with how to best serve my clients through various services and products. From in-person workshops, weekend retreats, group programs, and digital courses, what I’ve learned over the years is that my clients get the best results through 1:1 high-touch coaching services.
5 Loving Mom-Preneur Reminders
In case no one has told you lately…here are 5 loving reminders for the mom-preneur, inspired the conversations of my dear coaching clients and working moms who are here to make a big impact through their business.
2 Ways to Increase Accountability Without the Guilt
If you’re a high-performing woman who already has a ton on their plate (and can tend to be hard on yourself), then that last thing you need is another person telling you to do more. When you’d like more accountability, here’s what that could mean…
What Holds Business Owners Back From Receiving Coaching Support
During my “The Difference Makes” series, I interviewed six female entrepreneurs and asked the question, “If you had to start your business over today, but still had your existing knowledge, what would you do differently?” A majority of their responses were, “I would hire a coach sooner.”
What Makes a Great Coach Who Fosters Great Client Results?
Let’s talk about client results, shall we? On the one hand, the biggest reason why we want to coach or provide a service is to improve and impact our clients’ lives. On the other hand, putting pressure on ourselves to get our clients results to prove that we’re a “good coach” or a “good business owner” can mess with our mindset and our sense of self-worth. There’s a fine line between the two…
3 Mindset Shifts For Sustainable Business Success
Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It takes courage, boldness, and an ability to tolerate risk. What I’ve learned over the years of coaching and building a business is that your mindset – the way that you think about business and your ability to not take things personally – can affect your experience and your results, too.
3 Money-Making Actions that Pay Off in Your Business
I’m sharing with you the 3 types of money-money actions. When you’re consistent in doing these, you’ll begin to see more consistent results. Learning how to work on the right thing at the right time (in a way that feels right for you) can truly be a gift to your life and business.
The Biggest Differences Between Coaching, Consulting, and Mentoring
The biggest challenge in deciding what you’d like your job title to be is that the coaching industry is unregulated. As a result, people have different ideas and impressions of what a coach is and should be.
Who Are Your Dream Clients?
I’ll never forget the day when I realized that as someone who offers a high-touch, premium service, I can focus on the QUALITY of people I help, rather than the QUANTITY or VOLUME of people.
[ Featured ] Oh Freebird Fly
Refresh Your Business Messaging On Social Media | Interview with Kimberly Woods
[ Featured ] Podcast: Raising Loveliness
How to Give Your Business Message a Makeover | Podcast Interview with Becky McCleery
[ Featured ] Podcast: Mama With a Calling
Create Your Own Version of Balance As A Mom and Entrepreneur | Podcast Interview with Alexia Carrillo