The Real Truth About Pursuing Your Passion
I had my quarter-life crisis at age 24. Don’t get me wrong, things on the outside looked great. I was newly married, living an adventurous lifestyle abroad in Beijing, China, and landed a dream job teaching at an international school. But things on the inside weren’t so dreamy. I was struggling with the paradox of passion…
What You Need to Know About Creating Compelling Content
If you have a ton of brilliant ideas and not sure how to implement, then creating content could feel overwhelm. Where do I post? What do I say? Will people even pay attention? How do I grow my audience? How LONG is this going to take?
4 Steps For Simple Content Creation
Content marketing is a powerful way to spread the word about your business and connect with your growing audience. From social media, blogging, email newsletters, videos, and podcasts, there’s never been a more accessible way to share value with your potential clients.
How to Find Your Pricing Sweet Spot
When it comes to pricing your services, online gurus will tell you to “charge what you’re worth.” Now, I understand that the intentions behind this phrase is to keep you from undercharging. But sometimes the idea that your worth = your pricing can really mess with your mindset, especially if you’re just starting out or launching a new service…
Dealing With the Imposter Syndrome
I want to shine a light on the Imposter Syndrome so it no longer holds you back from greatness. At the root, it is the fear that you’ll be “found out” and exposed as a “fraud.” The interesting thing is, the Imposter Syndrome only affects creative, high-achievers who had tons of accolades to be proud of.