3 Mindset Shifts For Sustainable Business Success
Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It takes courage, boldness, and an ability to tolerate risk. What I’ve learned over the years of coaching and building a business is that your mindset – the way that you think about business and your ability to not take things personally – can affect your experience and your results, too.
That’s why I’m sharing with you 3 of the BIGGEST mindset shifts (that I’ve learned the hard way) that has helped me and my clients release unnecessary pressure, and has made the difference between wanting to quit, and staying in it for long-term success.
The online space can be noisy in telling you that success has to look a certain way, or be achieved in a certain amount of time, but my hope is that these mindset shifts will help you to enjoy and embrace your entrepreneurial journey, no matter what it looks like.
1. My success is inevitable.
It’s easy to wonder IF your business will be successful – especially during the painful start-up days when self-doubt and fear feel so familiar. One mindset shift that has been super helpful is believing that “My success is inevitable” and that it’s not a matter of IF this works out, but as long as I keep learning, going, and don’t quit, that it’s just a matter of WHEN it works out.
I also like to think of coaching as my long-term career to provide that perspective for thinking 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, and even 25 years down the road. This allows me to set clear goals that are appropriate for the season of life and business I’m in, while releasing the unnecessary pressure of arbitrary deadlines like “Make 7-Figures in One Year”.
When you retire at age 65, are you going to look back and beat yourself up for taking longer to meet your business goals than you expected?
No, you’ll be proud that you were discerning around your goals, celebrated your progress, made the necessary adjustments, and kept going. Having this long-term perspective also allows you to focus on what truly matters for sustainable growth: like skill building, investing in the right things to solve the right problems, and receiving support so you don’t have to do it all alone.
It’s safe to make mistakes.
It’s safe to make money even when life and business feels challenging.
It’s safe to go at your own pace, and build resilience along the way.
Photo by: Unsplash
2. My way is right for me. // I’m not “wrong” for doing it differently.
I remember feeling overwhelmed with all of the possible marketing and business strategies, and feeling like if one worked for an online guru, it must work for me, too. The truth is, ALL strategies work if you work it, so it’s a matter of finding one that works with your strengths and energy.
One mindset shift is giving yourself permission to choose the business model and strategies that work for you, and not making yourself wrong if it looks differently than how other people are doing it. You may know HOW someone is using a strategy, but you may not fully understand WHY they are doing it – so might as well focus on creating what you will enjoy.
The other piece about not making yourself wrong is normalizing business challenges so you don’t feel like you’re the only person who is experiencing this. There’s a sense of relief when you realize you’re not the only one who has dealt with a misaligned client, or the VA hiring process taking longer than expected.
3. Learn to rest, not to quit.
Listen, your self-worth is NOT tied into your business growth.
As the person who markets, sells, and delivers the service, you are your biggest asset so it’s important to protect and refuel your own energy. One of the most helpful mantras is remembering that: there are no emergencies. The type of work that we do is not a matter of life or death, so you do not have to be “on” and available all of the time. It’s perfectly fine to have boundaries like set office hours, client response times, and how many people you choose to work with.
Learning to rest and play has many health and wellness benefits. When you can take care of yourself, you’ll be energized to take care of your business needs, too.
These are the top 3 mindset shifts that have made the difference in overall business growth, and also in the day-to-day experience. Which one resonates most with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below, or DM me on Instagram!
With joy,